
The race class represents the information relating to a specific race. This is mostly for general information such as name and potentially a lengthy description. It is also used as an identifier for the race of a Character.
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new ( string race_name )
__gc ( )
__eq ( am.race rhs ) -> ( boolean )
race_name ( ) -> ( string )
new ( string race_name )
Creates a new race with the given race name.
string race_name : The race name that is used to identify this race.
__gc ( )
__eq ( am.race rhs ) -> ( boolean )
Compares this race against another race object.
am.race rhs : The other race object to compare with.
boolean : True if the the they are the same race object.
race_name ( ) -> ( string )
Returns the race name identifier for this race.
string : The race name.